How to delete/update entries of Debit and Credit in myAkaunt app?

Today I am going to explain whole scenario related to Update and delete feature available in myAkaunt app. In this post I will demonstrate you about how to delete or update debit entries, and why we are not allowing you to update or delete credit entries from app.

Let us take a real life scenario.

I am Azhar; using myAkaunt app and I am a retailer of computer accessories located in India. I have some regular customers and one of my customers name is Hitesh Agja. He pays me monthly basis. So whenever he come to buy I add entries in Debit in myAkaunt app. myAkaunt app is creating invoice against every debit entries added by user. So Hitesh agja can get the clear idea about his every purchase. When he comes to me at the end of the month, I just go to Credit screen in the app and select Hitesh Agja as a customer. I can see all the invoices and his total amount which he needs to pay to me.

Scenario 1

Now suppose, one day I added a wrong entry in Debit. So I need to either correct that entry or remove it and add it again. As Hitesh Agja hasn’t paid me anything yet (i.e. there is no any credit entry against this debit entry), we can Update or Delete this entry from debit screen. Go to Debit and Select Hitesh Agja in customer, scroll down and you can see the list of all debit entries in screen. Just click on that entry and you can Update or Delete this Entry. You can see below video for your reference.


I hope, After watching above video, you can use myAkaunt Update and Delete feature for Debit entries.

Scenario 2

Now what if I want to delete credit entries as well, can I delete Credit entries?

NO, you cannot delete credit entries. As you can see on above scenario, Hitesh is paying the amount at the end of the month against all his invoices which are already debited. Now suppose Hitesh is paying the partial amount (i.e. his total amount is ₹700 and he paid only ₹100). In this case Hitesh has one more debit (i.e. ₹600).  So Due to these complex scenarios, we don’t make user to more confused, that is why delete or update is prevented in credit entries. So Azhar can not delete that credit entry of ₹100. Now all invoices (Debit Entries) are freeze for customer – Hitesh. Azhar cannot delete or update debit entries as well.

From above scenario, you have to settle the entries. i.e. As Hitesh has added wrong entry of ₹100 in credit, he can add 1 entry in debit of ₹100. Hope this solution help you.

You can see below video for more details.

I hope this article is helpful to understand myAkaunt Credit and Debit with Update and Delete work flow.

If you have any query, You can contact us on +91-8732947832 or email us on

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